Privacy Policy for Balloons

Words And Colours values your privacy and is dedicated to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your data when you use our mobile application, Balloons.

1. Data Collection and Usage

Balloons stores your sound and music settings, along with game progression, locally on your device. We do not collect any other data. Your data is not uploaded anywhere, and the developers of Balloons do not have access to it. We do not share your data with any third parties.

2. Advertisement and Tracking

Balloons does not incorporate any advertisement libraries or third-party tracking (analytics) code, such as Google Analytics or Facebook SDK.

3. Backup & Reset

Please be aware that if you have enabled “Backup & Reset” in your phone settings (Settings / Backup & Reset / Back up my data), Android itself (not Balloons) will periodically back up your phone's data to Google's servers. This function enables Android to restore your data in the event of device damage or when you purchase a new device. The developers of Balloons do not have access to this data.

4. Contacting Words And Colours

If you have any inquiries regarding our Privacy Policy or the use of your data in Balloons, please reach out to us via email at